Friday, June 11, 2010

Can you believe I remembered my password? That's the first amazing act. Where do I start? Blessings first... My health stuff appears to have been resolved. Tara is expecting my grandson, Em has given me three beautiful graddaughters, Marissa graduated from FLCC with honors and has been busy exploring life's options. Life is good....
The not so good stuff has come in the form of betrayal. In an effort to spare details, suffice to say people I put my trust in broke my heart in more ways than I could ever imagine. I was broken and became a very empty vessel for a bit. I am now in the process of reinventing myself yet again. I was accepted into University of Wisconsin for my Masters degree in Vocational Counseling. I'm excited about that. I can honestly say the great healer for me was coming to Em's, hearing Brynn call me Amma even when she says "Stop Amma", picking those babies up in the middle of the night and rocking them back and forth, back and forth, thinking Dominic needs to meet his grandma and Marissa needs a dream coach. Those things became my happy thoughts, my reason for getting up and breathing in and out one more day.
Let's see ,how many times have I reinvented myself now? Guess I got one more time in me. It's a good day to live McDougal !!!!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Okay resolutions... I've done pretty darn good. Steve got me a kindle so I'm definitely reading more. Weight I lost 4 pounds using Isagenix( it's so expensive you can't afford food!) and we were going to go on a cruise but decided that time with kids was a true priority so instead we'll visit Washington D.c , Colorado and someplace warm in Winter. I find myself thinking about my purpose again lately. I'm not so sure I want to stay in the Addictions field and I have 20 more years of work unless I hit the lottery so we'll see. Problem is I'm making a darn good buck right now. So I'll let go and let God and see where life takes me. I;m volunteering at the House of John and have to call them tomorrow to set up an interview. I fel compelled to do that. I'm also setting a target of 2500.00 to raise for the Relay for Life. For some reason I just kept coming back to the need to do something with people who have been touched by Cancer and that's pretty much all of us. OKAY that's it for updates. It IS a good day to live MacDougal.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

2009 Goals? Hmmmmm. I'm committed to having more time with family. I enjoyed seeing all the kids at the holidays so much that I said no matter what I would make it a point to visit them more. I also want to read more and watch TV less. Losing weight? Yeah why not? Truly though I've learned not to take a day for granted!!!!!! Enjoy each moment. I'm finding such amazing beauty in the simple things. I even enjoy the snow on the trees. Not so much the shovelling but I look at it like exercise!!!! Steve and I are going on an Alaskan cruise in July. We always said someday and our someday is now. It's indeed a good day to live MacDougal!!!!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Well reading this last entry hit me like a ton of bricks! Mom died a couple of weeks after I wrote. I miss her so much at times but I am thankful we lived together for as long as we did and I have no regrets. Steve was hospitalized, had brain surgery and things were touch and go for a period of time this Summer. Brynn was born on the 4th of July and that was quite amazing. We had to put Sugar down and dad was hospitalized for a bit after falling from a roof. It's easy to see why I'm excited about ringing in the New year. Right now I'm looking forward to Tara and Dave coming home on the 22nd. All in all it remains a good day to live Macdougal!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Okay since Tara posted I guess it's my turn to give you my side of the story! First this was the first time we've stayed with anyone versus a motel and it went well. Colorado is absolutely gorgeous, majestic! As a parent it was wonderful to see how well liked Tara is. Everyone at her school commented on what a great human being she is. She is really someone I would choose to be like. Great sense of humor and a passion for life!!!! It was nice just hanging out with her and Dave but we did alot of things too. We went to the zoo, Garden of the Gods, Broadmoor ( let me tell ya this day is in my top 5. Tara and Dave so appreciated it that it was even more special). We climbed Mt. Cutler and went to Ute Park. Just absolutely soaked it all in. I can not believe that Tara and Dave just one day hopped in their car and drove across the country, what courage. Their apartment has the most breath taking views!!!!! Dave cooked us up a couple of out of this world meals. The time went fast and needless to say I sobbed as we left. Miss 'em already. Now it's the countdown to Brynn's arrival and that will be here before we know it. Steve and I are reading a book entitled One Month to Live :it's a book about living life without regrets. Perfect timing!!!!!It is indeed a Good Day to Live MacDougal

Sunday, April 27, 2008

It's definitely Sarcoidosis but the doc doesn't want me on Prednisone yet and I'm thankful for that. I'm getting very excited about Brynn's arrival . It's hard for me to believe Brynn will wait until July because Em is getting rather big. I'm also looking forward to going to Colorado to see Tara and Dave. We went down to Middletown last weekend for Cam's third birthday and that was fun. We played what Cam calls Darbies for a long time. In my world these things are called Barbies. I got a 2008 Subaru so I put the Money Pit to rest. Riss is busy looking at colleges. Right now it's between Fredonia andFLCC. I guess that's it by way of updates. It's a good day to live MacDougal.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I had my biopsy on Monday and they were able to get a big piece of tissue. The pathologist took a look see and saw NO cancer cells. I have to wait until the 24th for conclusive results but for now that is good news. I have a nasty looking scar on my neck right now but it will heal. They think it's Sarcoidosis and I'll follow up with Dr. Tyner if it is and probably be on prednisone. I've gotten alot of cards and phone calls of support. Em brought me flowers and Tara sent me a couple of cards and a plaque. I'll tell ya it really makes youy do a life assessment. The things I used to think were important aren't so much. I'm also proud of the number of lives I've touched and been touched by. That's the measure of a life. It's a good day to live MacDougal!!!!!!!