Sunday, April 27, 2008

It's definitely Sarcoidosis but the doc doesn't want me on Prednisone yet and I'm thankful for that. I'm getting very excited about Brynn's arrival . It's hard for me to believe Brynn will wait until July because Em is getting rather big. I'm also looking forward to going to Colorado to see Tara and Dave. We went down to Middletown last weekend for Cam's third birthday and that was fun. We played what Cam calls Darbies for a long time. In my world these things are called Barbies. I got a 2008 Subaru so I put the Money Pit to rest. Riss is busy looking at colleges. Right now it's between Fredonia andFLCC. I guess that's it by way of updates. It's a good day to live MacDougal.