Saturday, August 12, 2006

life in clifton
Well Tara finally made it home!!!! She didn't touch down until 5a.m. Friday. We had another terrorist threat and the weather was bad. But she made it!!!! Thursday I went to Em's with Riss and we played with Liana. That was a blast. It convinced me that I'm going to be an awesome grandma. Em and Shawn picked up Watson yesterday. He is the cutest little pup. Tara and I went up there to see him. We laughed hysterically at everything from mullets to Em's attire( Don't want to be too descroptive at the risk of someone's feelings.). A fantastic day. I spent hours painting and cleaning Marissa's room but it looks good.
It's a good day to live, MacDougal.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

life in clifton
I had a fantastic day today. It was Mexican Day of course so I went to lunch with Em and Riss. Then we went to see Watson, Em and Shawn's new dog. He is so cute. I can't stop thinking about him. They pick him up on Friday. He's beautiful. I love him already. He'll make a nice addition to the Ellis family. After that we went to Salvation Armani and got a few things. I should also say this morning I took down the sunflower border in the kitchen and put up fruit. It looks better than it sounds. I feel so much more relaxed and peaceful when I'm not working. Go figure. Tara comes home tomorrow. YEAH!!!!! It's a good day to live MacDougal.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

life in clifton
Even I can't believe my day today. Disappointment once again in people but so much gratitude for others. I AM SO VERY BLESSED TO HAVE THE CHILDREN I DO. Between Steve and I we have six children and not a problem with one. God knows both of us have been blessed beyond measure because we have wonderful children in spite of ourselves. I wanted to leave work early today but I had discharged a girl andshe decided to try to jump out a window. I CAN"T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!! I hope I find something different soon. Oh the girl was ok. Not even close to succeeding just grabbing attention. I know that sounds harsh but really some days... Rotary today that was pretty much my highlight. Em & Shawn are getting a puppy. YEAH!!!! Can't wait to see him. It's a schnauzer named Onyx.. IT's A GOOD DAY TO LIVE MACDOUGAL!!!!!

Monday, August 07, 2006

life in clifton
Jen sent vacation pictures of Cam today. She is so cute. I spent a fair amount of time organizing Marissa's room. I could clean for about a week and still not be done. Work was okay today but I still feel as if that's not my personal legend. Speaking of which I finshed The Alchemist. I highly recommend it. Looks like Tara's coming home early but only by a day. I WILL HAPPILY TAKE IT!!!! Can't wait to see her. I want to go to Em's Wednesday but she's got a little flea problem so I hope she gets rid of them by then. Got that Embear? Ok rather an uneventful day but it's a good day to live MacDougal!!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

life in clifton
Em made it home safely and it sounds like they had fun. Tara found and purchased a Coach bag for me today YEAH!!! Stevie came over again today and that was nice. Such a good boy!!!I think Tara may come home early. I hope so. I also discovered more reasons why I should apply for the Director of The Springs position. Today in church Rev, Spence talked about making a plan and keeping the faith. Kind of like The Alchemist. I'm almost done with that book. Can't wait. MacDougal is finally back from China so It's a Good Day To Live!!!!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

life in clifton
Stevie came over today and it was nice to see him. He was here for lunch and then we hung by the pool for awhile.I put together the book case I got for the office and organized a few things. I went into work for a little while to show Kathy how to pass meds and that ended up being far longer than I expected. Yesterday I watched Em's plane take off and land right on time. I saw it online and that was fascinating. I said, I can't believe she's landing already. I was a little envious. I bet they are having a riot and I can't wait to hear all about it.I am so excited for Tara to come home even though I know she's got to leave for college at least she'll be closer. Em starts work at RIT in a couple of weeks so that'll be a new adventure for her. The Saurkraut festival is going on this weekend. Riss went with some friends and Steve joikingly said "She'll meet the man of her dreams and we'll never see her again ala Em." Real funny that guy. I decided to apply for the position of Director of the Springs at the hospital. I'm just going to keep going after things until God shows me what's right. OK .. It's a good day to live MacDougal. MacDougal by the way is stuck in Hong Kong. She went to China and a typhoon hit and now she waits for safe air travel...

Friday, August 04, 2006

life in clifton
I blogged last night but it showed under comments so ladies and gentlemen please read comments. Silly me!!!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

life in clifton
I find myself thinking there are no coincindences. Tara gave me an awesome book to read called The Alchemist. It's so inspiring. As I struggle to find my "Personal Legend" I am given a study on Cure for the Common Life and The Alchemist as my guides. I took the exam Saturday for my NCAC II and I'm not entirely sure I did well so I guess we shall see. I did enjoy my time with Tara. Yesterday Em met me at the mall and we did some shopping and linch. That was fun too. Today I went to some consignment shops, Rotary and then in the pool. I need to say my entire time off has been peppered with occasions that draw me into work. People using on the unit, one person slitting their wrist in response to my giving a verbal order from NYC for her discharge because she had gotten into a fist fight the night before with someone else on the unit. I worked really hard to get this same woman placed in a halfway house because she had nowhere to live. She didn't like it there so she returned to us and she has the audacity to say after she slit her wrist, "I did this for Brenda" Unbelieveable!!!!! So now why do I want to leave my job? Let me count the ways...... I realized what was important to me last evening when I thought I lost the heart necklace the girls gave me. That it one of my most important treasures. After tearing the house upside down, calling Tara a bazillion times etc.... I found it in the book Tara gave me, " The Weekend". All is well.... It's a good day to live MacDougal.