Sunday, September 17, 2006

life in clifton
I finally spoke to Dr. DeMeis on Friday afternoon and she said I'd be scheduled for an interview the week after next. She said an interview for a part time position would takefour hours. For a full time position it's ten hours. I can't imagine what that is like but I guess it's an experience for my life list. Em took me to lunch at Belhurst Friday and that was fantastic. It seems odd to me that my little girl has grown up and is now doing so well that she's taking me to luch. Where have the years gone? I also heard that my aunt Joyce's husband, Uncle John is in the hospital, on life support due to a staff infection. He's only 54 years old. Each year some tragedy jars me back to the realization that life is so short. I must remember to say and do the things I need to each day. It's a good day to live MacDougal!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

life in clifton
As to the 9/11 stuff, the most gripping picture for me was of the people covered in ashes walking side by side. 9/11 was tragic but out of that tragedy came a united front like New Yorkers have never seen. We saw the worst in humans being met with the best.I too think of Tim and as we approach the anniversary of his passing I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. I ask myself what this year will bring or even this day.I think in keeping with Ellen I will begin a life list. Today I was somewhat disappointed because I talked to Cal and she said she had already spoken to Dr. DeMeis at Hobart. I called and left a message for Dr. DeMeis and sent one final e-mail. Now I wait for a response but in any event I know I've given it my best shot. I can't wait for Em to be done with RIT and Tara Keuka. It's so exciting to watch them take on the world.I also came up with this brainstorm that one of these times when Steve's travelling Mom and I will get a room by Eastview and have a girls night. We can shop a little rest, do dinner, see a movie. I think that would do her good.It would also give Steve and Riss a break. It's hard for me to balance so many different roles but I am lucky. It's a good day to live MacDougal.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

life in clifton
Well if Tara's posting again so am I. I'm currently pursuing part time work at Hobart. I really want to be part of the educational system in some way. I think this will pan out. We'll see. Today Spencer Tullis came by to take my picture for the paper because I wrote a micro mini blurb about why I read the Finger Lakes Times. It was funny because he called earlier in the day and said he'd give a call before he came over. I got home from Em's and immediately changed out of shorrts and sweatshirt into something else but then changed back to shorts and sweatshirt after afew hours went by with no call. I was getting dinner on the table when he called and said he was about two minutes away. He said he would just be doing a head shot so I stayed in my grubs. Can't wait to see this!!!! He literally pulled in the drive way jumped out of his black Saab convertible took my picture, shook my hand, said thanks for the kind words and left. Pretty funny. Saw both Tara and Em oh and Watson and Em's new furniture today. It was therefore an awesome day. Plenty of life changes for my daughters. I am the luckiest and it's a good day to live MacDougal!!!!