Wednesday, August 09, 2006

life in clifton
I had a fantastic day today. It was Mexican Day of course so I went to lunch with Em and Riss. Then we went to see Watson, Em and Shawn's new dog. He is so cute. I can't stop thinking about him. They pick him up on Friday. He's beautiful. I love him already. He'll make a nice addition to the Ellis family. After that we went to Salvation Armani and got a few things. I should also say this morning I took down the sunflower border in the kitchen and put up fruit. It looks better than it sounds. I feel so much more relaxed and peaceful when I'm not working. Go figure. Tara comes home tomorrow. YEAH!!!!! It's a good day to live MacDougal.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Glad to hear you had a good day yesterday. I'm looking forward to seeing the new boarder in the kitchen. I'm sure it looks great! Can't wait to see ya tomorrow!!! Cross your fingers that my flight isn't delayed!!! Love ya!