Tuesday, July 18, 2006

life in clifton
So I had lunch with Barb Oliver and she doesn't sound too convincing about me as Director of Behavioral Health. She said she tought they were looking for a medical person. All I can do is see. Perhaps I was destined for Hobart. I'm placing it in God's hands. Pretty uneventful day. I also e-mailed Rev. Spence about how much is lacking for the new sound system at church. I'd love to make a big contribution towards that. Tara is struggling with long distance banging and I know how frustrating that is. Last year when we were in NYC my card that I knew had plenty of funds wasn't working at the hotel. Phone calls were made left and right and finally due to an act of God it worked. It's just so frustrating cuz you're so far away from being able to do anything about it. We really have become a society dependent upon computers and technology. Em had a fantastic opportunity dropped in her lap today to work with people at RIT that will be in a position to help her career. No coincidence .. It's a good day to live MacDougal.


Em said...

It's long distance banKing that Tara is having trouble with, not long distance banGing as mom wrote. Last I knew long distance banging would be a problem for anyone.

Tara said...

Wow...what a blog entry! Try to proof your posts before posting them silly goose! That was a BIG typo! Love ya!