Monday, July 24, 2006

life in clifton
For some reason I thought Tara and Dave would get engaged this weekend. All in due time if it's meant to be I spose... I took Riss to the camera shop today and then she drove home from Waterloo. not too shabby. It was a bear of a day at work. Nothing but meetings and I HATE DAYS LIKE THAT!!!!! What a waste. Micromanagement doesn't suit me. Em is really feeling sick and I want to go up and help take care of her but I realize she has a husband now and that's not my role anymore. So I pray that she'll be well soon and that she feels my presence. After reading Tara's blog I pray she feels my hug in NYC. I can't wait to see her this weekend and I know I'll cry when I see her and I know I'll cry when she says good bye. My babies... growing up, entering the world, making their mark and leaving indelible footprints upon my heart. My life's one great success.... It truly is a good day to live MacDougal.

1 comment:

Tara said...

What a sweet blog. Sorry no engagement this weekend. As you said, it will come in it's own time. Sorry Em still feels sick. And I just felt your hug...did you send it snail mail? LOL. I can't wait to see you either. I'll do what Dave and I did when you leave...I told him I wouldn't cry if he sent me two if you don't cry when you leave then I'll send you two cards! Deal or no deal? Love ya!